Cash Box
Front Cover

Page 32

Page 32Al Bell in Zavaroni Promo
MEMPHIS — Al Bell, chairman of Stax Records, is personally heading an ambitious promotional campaign for 10- year-old Lena Zavaroni. The British singer was recently the recipient of the British Silver Disc Award (for singles sales over 250,000) for her revival of "Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me.” The record went on to sell 900,000 copies in England and scored heavily on Danish and Dutch charts as well. Stax, having recently released the single in the United States, has set April 28 as the release date of Ms. Zavaroni’s debut LP, already climbing the British charts. Al Bell will supervise a wide variety of promotions including billboards, radio and television exposure and national magazine features. Not only has a promotional copy of her latest inter- national hit been delivered to key in- dustry personnel, but the big hole of the 45 was attached to a portable record player upon delivery for reviewing ease. Lena Zavaroni will arrive in the United States April 28 for a national tour that will include New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Memphis.