Robcamstone (Fanz Of Lena Zavaroni)

Due to a system failure logged here The comments made by visitors were lost.

So the following comments are recreated from the original emails generated by Github when the comments were made.

Sadly Github did not send me emails of my comments or replies, so that is why some of the comments will feel strange as the commenter may be responding to one of my missing comments.

That is why I have defined them as Orphaned Comments.

Orphaned Comment(s)

From Cjones85 - Date 14 December 2019 at 00:14:06 GMT

Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/] onthisday/12/12-13 (#32)


I just listened to a bunch of Lenas songs. I added her albums to my spotify. She was one hell of a talent as a child and an adult. She never ceases to amaze me. I hope one day the world rediscovers Lena and her work. I for one will do my part

to keep her memory alive. Good night lovely Lena!

Robcamstone (Fanz Of Lena Zavaroni) - Date 14 December 2019 at unknown time

Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/] onthisday/12/12-13 (#32)


While I can't remember what I commented on I do remember sending links for the A and B side of her single "Will He Kiss Me Tonight" which is what the following comment is referencing.

From Cjones85 - 19 December 2019 at 23:41:53 GMT

Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/] onthisday/12/12-13 (#32)


I agree! Its nice to be able to add her to my playlist!

I just listened to those songs you sent me a link to. I like both songs. Like I said, she never ceases to amaze me.