Orphaned Comments
Robcamstone (Fanz Of Lena Zavaroni)
Due to a system failure logged here The comments made by visitors were lost.
So the following comments are recreated from the original emails generated by Github when the comments were made.
Sadly Github did not send me emails of my comments or replies, so that is why some of the comments will feel strange as the commenter may be responding to one of my missing comments.
That is why I have defined them as Orphaned Comments.
Orphaned Comment(s)
From Cjones85 - Date 1 October 2019 at 12:44:24 BST
Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/fanzoflenazavaroni.github.io] onthisday/10/10-01 (#13)
Lena, you had a hard life. A brief life. You brought happiness to alot of people but struggeled to find your own. You suffered miserably up until the end. 20 years ago today you passed. Today as sad as it is you have been largely forgotten by the world. The people that own your career refuse to release anything to the public. All you wanted to do was sing.
You still have a loyal group of fans out there that want to hear you sing. They myself included celebrate your life and career every day. We miss you. We love you dear Lena. Rest in peace lovely lena.
From Cjones85 - Date 1 October 2019 at 23:43:18 BST
Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/fanzoflenazavaroni.github.io] onthisday/10/10-01 (#13)
It is a sad day indeed. I've felt a sadness all day. It seems to me that all she needed even as a kid was someone to give her a hug. To tell her shes beautiful just the way she is. To tell her she was an amazing singer. Mostly though, she just needed someone to love her. Someone to feel some compassion for her. From everything I know about her life, that was the one thing she didnt have and the one thing that would have saved her from herself. Without a doubt my dear Lena, you were loved and are still loved by so many fans out there. I hope you atleast found some peace and happiness in death. Rest well little Lena. 💙
From Cjones85 - Date 1 October 2019 at 23:48:33 BST
Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/fanzoflenazavaroni.github.io] onthisday/10/10-01 (#13)
One more thing, Im not sure where to put this but I miss your "On this day" daily briefings of what happened in Lenas life that ypu posted on facebook. I looked forward to them. Also on a side note, it looks like the BBC and the BFI didnt listen to my requests. Still, there is nothing of Lenas career released. Such a damned shame.
Robcamstone (Fanz Of Lena Zavaroni)
My original comments would have included my feelings on the abuse that Lena went though, why the BBC and BFI did not reply and a link to Loving Lena Zavaroni's Tumblr page and how good it was that Chris had talked directly to Lena.
The Tumblr link meant that Chris and others that may have read the comments had somewhere to go for their daily dose of On This Day's related to Lena as at the time I did not have an "On This Day section" on this website at that time
I had a Facebook Page where I posted the On This Day's, which became redundant because Facebook is involed in the Cancel culture and does not believe in Justice.
From Cjones85 - Date 2 October 2019 at 01:44:07 BST
Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/fanzoflenazavaroni.github.io] onthisday/10/10-01 (#13)
Thats what I always liked about you and your facebook page. You arent afraid to be real and talk about the dark side of Lenas life. You didnt try to shut me up when I originally came to you to ask about Lena. I tried to ask questions at another fan page and was quickly hushed up and told they dont allow discussions of such topics. A true fan takes the bad with the good. Lena had a hard life. We shouldnt shy away from talking about it especially if by us talking about it we could save other children trying to make it big in the industry.
I felt I needed to adress Lena directly. I want to show her the respect she was never shown in her life. She deserves atleast that.
I lit a candle for Lena aswell. The second one I have lit im her memory on that page.
As far as her fandom is concerned, there are those out there that claim to be her fans that do her a massive disservice every day by silencing people who want to talk about Lena and by watermarking pictures that dont belong to them and other stuff. As far as I am concerned thats disrespectful to the memory of Lena and to everything she went through in her life and unacceptable.
Its a shame BFI and BBC dont care. It really is.
I will check out that tumblr. Thank you.
As soon as you announced your departure from facebook and told me this is where you will be located I bookmarked this page. I checked back probably weekly to make sure this page was still up. Thank you for putting in the hard work that keeps this page going. I will keep checking in and comment from time to time!
Thanks for all you do!