Robcamstone (Fanz Of Lena Zavaroni)

Due to a system failure logged here The comments made by visitors were lost.

So the following comments are recreated from the original emails generated by Github when the comments were made.

Sadly Github did not send me emails of my comments or replies, so that is why some of the comments will feel strange as the commenter may be responding to one of my missing comments.

That is why I have defined them as Orphaned Comments.

Orphaned Comment(s)

From Stephen Molloy - 16 December 2019 at 21:25:18 GMT

Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/] onthisday/12/12-16 (#33)


I can't find out when she actually died, only that she had last been seen alive three days ago.

The above comment is related to the death of Hilda Catherine (Jordan) Zavaroni Lena, mother.

Robcamstone (Fanz Of Lena Zavaroni) - Date 14 December 2019 at unknown time

Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/] onthisday/12/12-16 (#33)


While I can't remember what I commented. I do remember I went looking for details and ended up ordering a copy of her death certificate.

Robcamstone (Fanz Of Lena Zavaroni) - Unknow Date and Time

Subject: Re: [FanzOfLenaZavaroni/] onthisday/12/12-16 (#33)


A few weeks would have gone by while I waited for a copy of the death certificate which I would have then added as a image in a comment.